#parrottoys #unboxing #review #shockillusionist #dansperry #anticonjuror #spike #umbrellacockatoo
VISIT: bonkabirdtoys.com/ -- this episode 2 of an unsolicited review/unboxing for Bonka Bird Toys as i mentioned in the video i've been ordering from these guys for quite some time and it is always good quality - fast shipping - and great sales, give them a visit, highly recommended!!! They did send me and Spike this little care package after seeing my last video because they also enjoyed it so much so I have to give them a HUGE THANK YOU for amazing and customer support and appreciation as well!
...and if you're wondering, yes, I was kinda stoned when I filmed this...again.
Check out Bonka Bird Toys: bonkabirdtoys.com/
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