We’ll highlight not only how the wizards were bound to their physical bodies, but also the instances where we get glimpses of their power.
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Nerd of the Rings on PATREON: www.patreon.com/NerdoftheRings
To purchase artist work, check out these amazing artists!
Tulikoura - www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Matthew Stewart - www.matthew-stewart.com/
BellaBergolts - www.deviantart.com/bellabergolts
Magdalena Katanska - www.artstation.com/magdalenakatanska/prints www.instagram.com/qualiney
Jerry Vanderstelt - store.vandersteltstudio.com/main.sc
Anna Podedworna - www.artstation.com/akreon
Jenny Dolfen - goldseven.wordpress.com/
Turner Mohan - www.instagram.com/turner_mohan
Ted Nasmith - www.tednasmith.com/shop/
Anke Eissmann - anke.edoras-art.de/anke_illustration.html
Aronja Art - www.instagram.com/aronjaart/
Ivan Cavini - www.instagram.com/ivan_cavini/
Sara Morello - www.artstation.com/saramorello
Matěj Čadil - www.etsy.com/people/matejcadil
Tulikoura - www.deviantart.com/tulikoura
Aegeri - www.deviantart.com/aegeri
Noe Leyva - twitter.com/NoeLeyvArt
Clemence Morisseau - www.artstation.com/kahirie
Edvige Faini - www.edvigefaini.com , www.facebook.com/edvige.faini , www.instagram.com/edvige_faini
Wizards - the Istari - Ivan Cavini
radagastm - tolmancotton
Gandalf vs Witch King - Angus McBride
gandalf-returns-to-hobbiton - John Howe
Across_Middle-earth_-_Amon_Hen - Ralph_Damiani
Manwe Sulimo - Christina Kraus
Aule_the_Destroyer – Ted Nasmith
Valar orome - kuliszu
Manwe - nahar
Gandalf - Anke Eissmann
Breath of Arda - Manwe - Christina Kraus
the_blue_wizards - turnermohan
valar yavanna - kuliszu
la-radagast - tom-romain
Wizards - the Istari - Ivan Cavini
Eru and the Gods Singing the First Song of Creation - Kip Rasmussen
The_Arrival_of_Gandalf - Darrell_Sweet
the_blue_wizard - aegeri
ralph-damiani-alatar-and-pallando - ralphdamiani
manwe - felix-englund
Gandalf - JG Jones
Gandalf and Faramir - Catherine Karina Chmiel
Gandalf - aegeri
gandalf_and_theoden - tolmancotton
ralph-damiani-glorfindels-arrival-review - ralphdamiani
Saruman - Catherine Karina Chmiel
Gandalf - skullbastard
Cirdan - alystraea
GandalfTheGrey - John Howe
sketchesSaruman - John Howe
Gandalf and the Balrog - Matthew Stewart
Gandalf Balrog - Felix Englund
Saruman Meets His Fate - Elrodimus Flash
rafael-damiani-bluewizards - ralphdamiani
Gandalf and Faramir - Anke Eissmann
Gandalf the Grey - Elrodimus Flash
Radagast - Ivan Cavini
The_Shores_of_Valinor - Ted Nasmith
Gandalf-and-the-Witch-King - Ted Nasmith
gandalf_the grey - Jerry Vanderstelt
Gandalf - John Howe
Cirdan Lord of the Falathrim - Peet
glorfindel_with_elrond_and_gandalf - alystraea
Gandalf_Rides_to_Minas_Tirith - Ted Nasmith
The_Stranger_in_the_Forest - Ted Nasmith
Radagast - Steve Airola
Gandalf in Archives Minas Tirith - Matthew Stewart
3 wizards - Felix Englund
Gandalf and Gwaihir - Ivan Cavini
Gandalf and Balrog - John Howe
Gandalf - aegeri
ainur-wizard-valier-yavanna - David greset
Gandalf the White - Steve Airola
radagast - rafael-damiani
GwaihirRescuesGandalf - John Howe
Gandalf_Escapes_Upon_Gwaihir - Ted Nasmith
Saruman Palantir - Steve Airola
Weathertop - Alan_Lee
Radagast the Brown - Peet
radagast_aiwendil - aegeri
valar vana - kuliszu
valar mandos - kuliszu
valar este - kuliszu
Eru and the Gods Singing the First Song of Creation - Kip Rasmussen
The_Blue_Wizards_Journeying_East - Ted Nasmith
Radagast - tolmancotton
radagast-a - Soni Weasel
gandalf_the_white - bembiann
Gandalf and the Witch King Ride - Kip Rasmussen
Fire_on_Weathertop - Ted Nasmith
Riders_at_The_Ford - Ted Nasmith
Gandalf book Mazarbul - Matthew Stewart
the_bridge_of_khazad_dum____gandalf_vs_balrog - kuliszu
Gandalf and Balrog - JG Jones
the_fellowship_in_hollin - kuliszu
Fellowship vs Wargs - Catherine Karina Chmiel
Gandalf and Frodo - Ivan Cavini
the-young-bilbo - sara-morello
Gandalf-A+Light+in+the+Dark - Matthew Stewart
Gandalf2 - Catherine Karina Chmiel
gandalf2 - John Howe
Gandalf and Frodo in Rivendell - Anke Eissmann
GandalfFallsWithTheBalrog - John Howe
Amon Hen - John Howe
Across_Middle-earth Amon_Hen - Ralph_Damiani
Nazgul_at_the_Walls - Ted Nasmith
gandalf-frodo – Soni Weasel
Gandalf Frodo and the Ring - Elrodimus Flash
Gandalf_and_Thorin - Ted Nasmith
saruman_with_the_palantir - kuliszu
saruman_of_many_colours - tolmancotton
Saruman-Beren Key of Orthanc - LOTRO
saruman_in_orthanc - anotherstranger_me
Aule Crafting the Dwarves – Peter Xavier Price
Helms_Deep - John Howe
Orc at Isengard - Elrodimus Flash
The-Uruk-hai - John Howe
Saruman and Palantir - Angus McBride
shadow-of-war-sauron - wardenlight-studio
Saruman - Steve Airola
Pursuit_in_Rohan - Ted Nasmith
Three Hunters - JG Jones
Isengard - Ivan Cavini
The Pyre of Denethor - Anke Eissmann
#lordoftherings #silmarillion #tolkien