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Episode 13 - Death of the High Street / Newcastle
This video has brought me to Newcastle, where I have been told a load of times to go visit a specific shopping centre where all the shops have shut down.
It was far worse than I expected. I huge place with only 2 places actually open, it felt like being in a zombie movie.
I also was taken around the city by a sound guy called John who showed me an old arcade area where he used to go clubbing, this was also completely abandoned.
I feel like the city has done a good job of concentrating the areas which are struggling, and pushing people to the busy streets where the high streets actually looked in a good way.
The market looked great and I was really happy about that. Also, the castle was really good to explore. I had to run and get my train but a ticket lasts for a year so I will be back to explore before that runs out.
Until next time,
#newcastle #high #street #urban #decay #shopping #retail #abadoned #shopping #city #explore #explorepage