30819いいね 493094回再生

" She's in her 40s " @Animation

A fan animation for Tenma Maemi from Phase-Connect
Well.. this is a pretty seiso moment from our favorite fox streamer, she seem very happy with her viewer

P.s: Uhm.. Enjoy the animation :.


[Original source]
[ GORILLA ] no rhythm....but always in time for DON DONDON DONDON [ Phase-Connect ]
   • [ GORILLA ] no rhythm....but always i...  

The talent:

Tenma Ch. マエミ 天満 【Phase Connect】
Youtube:    / @tenmamaemi  
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/tenma

Sound and ref from this amazing clip:
   • Tenma, are you Seiso?【Tenma Maemi | P...  
