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James Nestor and Steven Bartlett use Patrick McKeown's BOLT Test on Diary of a CEO Podcast.

The BOLT score (Body Oxygen Level Test) is a subjective measure of breathlessness. It gives feedback on functional breathing and exercise tolerance.

As far back as 1975, researchers noted that the length of time of a comfortable breath hold can be used to determine relative breathing volume during rest, and breathlessness during physical exercise.

The Body Oxygen Level Test (BOLT), which involves an easy breath hold after exhalation, is a useful and accurate way to measure this relative breathing volume.

The ideal BOLT score for a healthy adult is 40 seconds. In the book, Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance by William McArdle and colleagues, the authors observe: “If a person breath holds after a normal exhalation, it takes approximately 40 seconds before the urge to breathe increases enough to initiate inspiration”.

The lower your BOLT score in seconds, the greater your breathing volume is likely to be. The greater your breathing volume, the more breathlessness you will experience during exercise.

Try the free Oxygen Advantage® Breathing App, available now.
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