A "talk through" of just about all important ECG findings in 30 minutes (@1.5x speed) featuring THE great Dr. Eddy Atwood. Watch start to finish to challenge yourself with these unknowns presented in a clinical context (recommended). Alternatively, see the key below to go to the area you need to brush up on:
******* Warning: KEY below *******
00:00 Intro/1st degree AV block
01:55 2nd degree AV block/ Mobitz type I
03:40 Closeup of 2nd degree AV block / Mobitz type I
04:00 3rd degree AV block
05:00 Atrial fibrillation (with a slow ventricular rate!)
06:43 Wellen's T waves / acute myocardial injury
08:14 ST elevation myocardial infarction (Inferior, R coronary artery)
09:36 Acute anterior infarct (L anterior descending = LAD artery)
10:55 Inferio-lateral myocardial infarction
11:29 Q waves (inferior/Right coronary artery MI)
13:10 Pericarditis (continued next video...)