3いいね 20回再生

Tarot Wine LoTtO, SweepingUpSpirits 9 of Coins Moscato Winners

#SendIt #zodiac #lotto #tarotlotto
#Moscato ~ #Gift #Giveawsys !!!!!
#Drink #giveaway #drankgiveaway

💒    • 🌹❤️ 🌹 ❤️ SweepingUpSpirits Wedding Of...  

#SweepingUpSpirits #WeddingOfficiating #SweepingUpSpiritsMuscato #9ofCoins #SweepingUpSpiritsMoscato 🍇 #SweepingUpSpiritsWeddingOfficiatingAndNineOfCoinsMoscatoLLC #9ofcoinswine

"Pretty good wine for an officiant!" - I get that a lot. The story behind the muscato, is that when I was younger, my granny used to make wine from The grapes that we had growing from the vines in our backyard. When I got older, I had this sweet wine, made in her honor.
#sweepingupspiritstarot #sweepingupspirits #readingswithmilanalevoe #tarotincentives
#tarot inspired !

Have ya checked out my books?
⭐💚⭐💚 ⭐ "Cooking, with Astrological Flair"

⭐💜⭐💜⭐ "Conquering Regret"

next- Holistic Answers    • Holistic Answers  

Bonkers, Baby!    • They're about Bonkers! Tarot Reading  

Dreamwork-    • Holistic Help, Dreamwork, Substance U...  

Open Chat, Live Readings, Galore-    • Open Chat, Zodiac Signs & Tarot Readi... …

PickACard-    • pick-a-card  

Tarot Radio-    • Tarot Radio  

Extended-    • Extended Readings  

#tarotreadings #tarot #tarotcardreadings #tarotreading #readingswithmilanalevoe
#tarotdrink #tarotwine #topshelfbaby #topshelf

#sweepingupspiritsmoscato #tablewine #picnicwine #exquisitewine #wine #moscato #new #newbrand #tarotwine #roadopeningwine #meditatedover #blessed #roadopening #product #manyvouchfortheproduct #soldasacurioonly

#SweepingUpSpiritsMoscato #9ofCoinsWine

#Portals of #Peace #TarotInsightChannel #tarotgoodiebag #grownfolkstarotreadings #SunDownReading #metaphysical #forecast #grownfolkstarotreading #grownfolks #specified #tarottv #SunDown #TarotCardReadings #BlackAndGold #TarotDeck #TarotCards #TarotIncentives #General #SweepingUpSpirits #tarotgoodiebox #tarotcardsreading #goodeveningtarot #goodevening #goodeveningtarotreading #tarotcardsreadings #Tarot #Tarotareadings #StarSignReadings #goodiebag #TarotReading #TarotIncentives
#lovereading #lovetarotreading
#extendedreading #sos #tarotgoodiebag #sostarotreading #someonespecial #tarotbriefing

luckiest signs of the day: lib as & scorpios

what else, is coming in #romance ~ 🌹
   • *Not a Fly-by-Night, Romance; The Tar...  

#StarSignReadings , #upcloseandpersonaltarot :

♌ leo:    • leo  
♒aquarius:    • aquarius  
♈aries:    • aries  
♊gemini:    • gemini  
♎libra:    • libra  
♐sagittarius:    • sagittarius  
♏scorpio:    • scorpio  
♋cancer:    • cancer  
♍virgo:    • virgo  
♓pisces:    • pisces  
♑capricorn:    • capricorn  
♉taurus:    • taurus  

bonus~ youtube.com/hashtag/upcloseandpersonaltarot


All the playlists: youtube.com/c/SweepingUpSpiritsGhostHuntingInc

Instagram- www.instagram.com/p/BZtGEQOD8ZB/?utm_source=ig_web…

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Learn how to read bones.
🦴    • How to read bone runes, part 1  
🦴🦴    • How to read bone runes, part 2  
🦴🦴🦴    • How to read bone runes, part 3  

Facebook- m.facebook.com/HoroscopesByTheHoroscopeLady/?ref=m…

#Meditation vibes~

   • Tranquil regroup and recoup Meditatio...  

   • #OneMinuteMeditation with Milana Levo...  

   • 2 minute Natural hot oil #meditation ...  

#moscato    • Live  

#SweepingUpSpiritsMoscato #SoldAsACurioOnly #NineOfCoinsWine #muscato #tarot #wine #mildlysweet #tarotwine #tarotinsightchannel #9ofcoins #LuxuryInABottle the #perfect #drink both, to watch with #sports , be served, while #shopping , or at #ArtShows , to accompany your #reading , or for a #romantic evening ! 🍾. #roadopening #drink
#wine #tarot