What is a #forex chart?
A forex chart is a graphical representation showing how the price of a currency pair changes over time.
The price is plotted on the vertical y-axis, while the horizontal x-axis shows time. On IG’s trading platforms, you can choose how frequently new data is plotted to a chart by selecting a timeframe, ranging from tick-by-tick to a whole month.
How to read forex charts
Being able to read and interpret forex charts accurately is vital if you want to successfully trade in forex markets. Learning how to read live forex charts, as well as real-time trading charts, will enable you to take control and spot trends, allowing you to make calculated moves to seize opportunities to make money. Forex charts show a period depending on the time frame you select, most forex charts default to a daily time span showing trading data over a 24-hour period. But this can be changed to time frames that represent minutes or even months depending on your requirements. This ability to transverse forex charts over both short and long periods of time enables you to fully monitor the fluctuations in currency rates. For learn more about forex chart click here..
How do Forex Chart Patterns Work?
Forex chart patterns are normally seen in historical data, analysts find these technical indicators and if the pattern has repeated itself multiple times with the same outcome in the historical data a trader will try to predict when this pattern will emerge again and then enter a position based on this historical data.
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