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PATIENCE 📈 create exponential wealth with compound interest • (Day 14 of 30 Days of Money)

View the full money session here 👉 intentioninspired.com/money14


Let's cultivate the intention to invest our money (and all energy) wisely so that we can experience the magic of compounding interest—in all areas of life.


Warren Buffet, the Oracle of Omaha, once said, "My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest." Did you know ~90% of Buffet's wealth has been acquired in the last ~10% of his investing career? This has less to do with making better financial decisions, and much more to do with the powerful snowball effect of compound interest.

Here's a graph that shows how saving just $500 per year turns into $250,000 over 30 years of compound interest in a standard 15% investment account.

And that's just what happens with a 15% increase per year—which is based on the actual average interest I've earned from my personal low-risk Wealthfront Investment Account (which I highly recommend) since I first opened it in 2016.

The principle of compound interest applies universally to our lives. It inspires us to hold the vision, have patience, and trust the process—not just with our financial gains, but in the growth of our well-being, relationships, spiritual development, and professional growth, and most especially for insert your intention.

Today's Key Actionable Takeaways:
🙋 Save at least 10% of everything you earn.
💸 Slowly and consistently invest your savings.
⏳ Hold the vision, trust the process.


Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it.
Albert Einstein


Studies show the importance of starting to invest early and how compound interest really multiplies our wealth over the long term.

One study compared the total amount accumulated by two individuals who invested the same total amount but started at different ages. The first individual started investing at 25 and stopped at 35, investing for just 10 years. The second individual began investing at 35 and continued until 65, investing for 30 years.

Despite the second individual investing three times as much, the first individual accumulated more wealth by the age of 65. This surprising outcome was the result of the power of compound interest: the first individual’s investments had more time to grow, demonstrating that the length of time money is put to work can be more important than the amount invested.

This study inspires us to act now. Start saving and investing today, no matter how small the amount might be. Let your money work for you over time, and watch as the magic of compound interest enhances your wealth.


Hold the vision.
Trust the process.


How would your financial situation look different if you saved 10% of everything you earn?

Let's find out:

I earn about $ _______ / month

x 12 = $ ________ / year

x 10 = $ ________ / decade

x 0.1 = $ _________ the amount I would have if I saved 10% over the past decade.

And now just imagine if that saved money was making compound interest! 💰🤑💰

What small, consistent actions can you start taking today for long-term growth and success?


Where have you experienced massive growth over a long period of time thanks to small, consistent actions? Express gratitude for the growth and improvement these actions have facilitated.

Here are a few examples:

Health and Fitness 💪
Learning and Skill Development 🎸
Relationships 💞
Hobby Growth 🤓
Habit Formation 🫡
Environmental Impact 🌱

The critical factor in all these examples is consistency over time. Much like with compound interest, the benefits might seem insignificant or even nonexistent in the short term. But given enough time, their accumulated effects can be significant and transformative.


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