Found the perfect mini crock pot at the thrift store today!
My European kitchen is way too small for the full-sized ones, so this little gem is exactly what I needed to make my mother-in-law’s famous BBQ veggieballs.
But wait… the real surprise came when I opened it up and found a birthday card inside!
I’m an American living in the Netherlands, so of course, I broke out Google Translate. Randomly, it was in Italian!
Turns out it was a gift to someone to convince them to stay living here.
Well, judging by the fact that the crock pot ended up in a thrift store, I guess that plan didn’t work!
#thriftstorefind #minicrockpot #BBQVeggieballs #dutchlife #expatlife #googletranslate #thriftedtreasures #randomfinds #vintagevibes #culturalsurprise