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Einstein Parrot Live 12/3/24

Einstein was full of energy and words today!

Einstein Parrot is a very talkative African Grey Parrot! He lives with us in our home in Texas and was hatched on June 15, 1997. Einstein is a silly, smart, popular parrot who loves talking and entertaining! (He is NOT the “Einstein” featured on the TV show Animal Planet.)

Join this channel to get access to perks: youtube.com/channel/UCOr5ETxt9RtBlxqAI264qiw/join
For more info and all things Einstein visit www.einsteinparrot.com/

Regarding Super chats: Money received from Super chats is donated to The Wings of Love Bird Haven and The Oasis Sanctuary. Super chats are not tax-deductible. If you need tax-deductible receipts, please donate via their websites or send a check.
The Wings of Love Bird Haven
1850 Newton Rd.
Ferris, TX 75125
The Oasis Sanctuary
PO Box 2166
Scottsdale, AZ 85252

We thank you for watching Einstein and hope you will subscribe to Einstein’s channel ➜ bit.ly/SubscribeToEinstein
#einsteinparrot #talkingparrot #africangreyparrot