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   / @tokyo_yoppy  

Click here for the first part
   • 【ディズニーシー】え!? 開園直後にもう完全終了!? ディズニー行きまくっ...  

The happy ending after September is going to be a big mess...

Please enjoy until the end!

You must watch it. DisneySea/Disneyland 2025 new common sense video is here!

[DisneySea] 2025 super latest version. Beginners and advanced players will make big mistakes. 5 new common sense at Fantasy Springs. Be sure to watch if you are going this year
   • 【ディズニーシー】2025年超最新版。初心者も上級者も大失敗する。ファンタ...  

[DisneySea] 2025 latest version. Beginners will make big mistakes. 7 new common sense at the park. Be sure to watch if you are going this year
   • 【ディズニーシー】2025年最新版。初心者は大失敗する。パークの新常識7選...  

[Disneyland] 2025 latest version. Beginners will make big mistakes. 7 New Common Senses at the Park: If you're going this year, be sure to check them out
   • 【ディズニーランド】2025年最新版。初心者はほぼ知らない。パークの新常識...  

Instagram account here

The official online store is now open!
We've carefully selected items that can be used at the park and in your daily life.
Check it out if you're interested!

We've launched a new Instagram account.
We'll also be making Disney strategy videos for this account! Check it out.


X (old Twitter)
I tweet about the park and my daily life, so please take a look if you're interested!

I'd like to upload private Disney videos that can't be streamed on YouTube.
Please follow me if you like! www.tiktok.com/@tokyo_disney_yoppy

A channel introducing Disney in English
Check it out if you like!

■Click here for the latest information on Disney Resort!
■Click here for the latest videos about Disney Resort!
[Disneyland] Major changes in April!! Something that was never done before is back, so you'll regret missing it. A thorough explanation of the April park
   • 【ディズニーランド】4月は大幅変更あり!! これまで完全にやらなかったアレ...  

[DisneySea] New area rules change!! The strictness of the fun spring is sure to change. A thorough explanation of the April park
   • 【ディズニーシー】新エリアルール変更!! ファンスプの厳しさが変わること間...  

[Disney] Urgent proposal. It's tough for those who live far away. Enraged by that time change
   • 【ディズニー】緊急提言。遠方組に厳しい。アレの時間変更で激怒  

[Disneyland] The definitive version! You can't go wrong with this. How to make the last 3 hours from 6pm the best time
   • 【ディズニーランド】決定版!これで間違いなし。18時からラスト3時間で最高...  

[DisneySea] The rules are complicated and there's bound to be confusion on the spot... I was shocked by the appearance.
   • 【ディズニーシー】ルール複雑で現場混乱が確実...衝撃見た目にやられました。  

[Disneyland] The fear and mercy of going to Disney alone... What can you do in 3 hours?
   • 【ディズニーランド】1人ディズニーの恐怖と翻弄...3時間で何ができる?  

[Disneyland] If you don't know, you'll end up wasting a lot of money....
   • 【ディズニーランド】知らないとかなり無駄を被ることに....  

[Disneyland] The 3pm Impha was full of unexpected things...
   • 【ディズニーランド】15時インパは想定外だらけでした....  

[Disneyland] Urgent proposal. Is the current management okay?    • 【ディズニーランド】緊急提言。今の運営のままで良いのか...。  

[DisneySea] The ever-increasing level of restrictions. If you go to DisneySea without knowing the people from far away, you will be terrified. A thorough explanation of the latest situation
   • 【ディズニーシー】ずっと続く怒涛の制限レベル。遠方組知らずに行くと恐怖する...  

[DisneySea] The desperation that beginners will definitely do. A thorough explanation of the bad ways to get around
   • 【ディズニーシー】初心者は絶対やる絶望行動。NGな回り方を徹底解説  

[Disney] The ticket price increase is becoming surreal.
   • 【ディズニー】チケット値上げが超現実的になってきました。  

[DisneySea] The new area is tough from the moment you enter...
   • 【ディズニーシー】今の新エリアは入ってからが過酷です...  

[Disney] A chaotic and confusing incident occurred...
   • 【ディズニー】カオスで大混乱な事件が起きました....  

[DisneySea] The final measures are met with mixed reviews....
   • 【ディズニーシー】ファイナル施策で賛否両論の事態です....  

[DisneySea] A list of actions you should never do.
   • 【ディズニーシー】絶対にやらないほうが良いNG行動まとめました。  

[Disney] A true tragedy. A shocking notice before the park opens...
   • 【ディズニー】これ知って行くのやめました。開園前にショックすぎる通知...  

[DisneySea] Every day is special. When can you enjoy it in March? A thorough explanation of the latest rules!    • 【ディズニーシー】毎日がスペシャル状態。3月はいつ楽しめるのか。最新ルール...  

[DisneySea] Unexpectedly, goodbye Indy...?
   • 【ディズニーシー】まさかのインディ、さようなら....?  

[Disney] It's completely over... everything has been canceled...
   • 【ディズニー】完全に終わった...全部キャンセルになってしまった....  

[DisneySea] The date gacha is now extremely noticeable... is it impossible to do it on days that are too crazy.... Thorough guide
   • 【ディズニーシー】もはや日程ガチャが超顕著に...ヤバすぎる日は無理なのか...  

[Disneyland] I'm speechless... It's so different from a year ago. A thorough report on how to enjoy it now
   • 【ディズニーランド】余韻が終わらない。1年前と圧倒的に違う 今のパークの楽...  

[DisneySea] Urgent proposal. Aren't there too many Bakepa & DPA...?
   • 【ディズニーシー】緊急提言。あまりにバケパ&DPAが多すぎないか...?  

[Disneyland] No problem even for those from far away?! A thorough report on the shocking morning at the park

   • 【ディズニーランド】遠方組でも全然余裕?! 午前の衝撃すぎるパークを徹底レポート  

[DisneySea] That area will be super expanded... This is the true essence of a park for adults.
   • 【ディズニーシー】あのエリアが超拡大します....。これが大人向けパークの...  

[Disney] Urgent proposal. An unprecedented problem ha...