20いいね 806回再生

【ポケカ/対戦】環境全部倒せます!!Nのゾロアークexデッキが最強過ぎる【ポケモンカードゲーム】 #pokemontcg #ポケモン #ポケカ

You definitely can't buy this grade of chair for ¥35,000, so you should definitely buy it before the campaign ends lol
↓Click here to get ¥5,000 off

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If everyone does these three things, it will be easier to get on the recommendation‼ ️‼ ️
Please support us‼ ️

◆Things you should buy with Pokemon cards◆
・Inner card cover amzn.to/42krDbP
・Outer hard card cover amzn.to/42kviqj
・Triple sleeve protector amzn.to/3U6Q9KZ
・Active Style PU leather trading card case amzn.to/47WnjAS
・Unicorn step deck case amzn.to/3SBnqgB
・Play mat for one person amzn.to/42fIFb7
・Play mat for two people amzn.to/483JWTW
・Folding desk for two Pokemon cards amzn.to/3OAkC0S
・Pokemon card drawer case amzn.to/49owCLw
・USED marker amzn.to/3Is2cfh

◆YuKi's Twitter◆


◇Amazon gift certificates can be found here



How to send

Amazon ⇒ Gift certificate ⇒ Email type ⇒ Enter required information

#pokemontcg #Pokemon #PokemonCard