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オンラインセミナー:原発はグリーンか?Online Seminar: Is Nuclear Power Green?(English Version)

The European Commission's proposal to include nuclear power and natural gas in the "EU Taxonomy" to promote green investment has been highly controversial. Not only environmental NGOs, but also experts and investors have voiced their doubts.

On June 14, a joint meeting of the Environment, Public Health, and Food Safety Committee and the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee of the European Parliament adopted a resolution opposing the proposal. The same resolution will go to a plenary session of the European Parliament in early July. If a majority of the members support the resolution, the Commission's proposal to include nuclear power and gas in the EU taxonomy will be rejected.

What is behind the debate over the EU taxonomy? And what changes have taken place in the European energy debate since Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

We are pleased to invite Mr. Jan Varode from FoE Germany (BUND: German Federation for Environment and Nature Conservation), Ms. Michiko Kurita, a journalist living in Belgium, and Ms. Mika Obayashi from the Japan Renewable Energy Foundation to this online seminar.