265いいね 2627回再生

CRESCER ONLINE! Frequência para Atrair Sucesso e Dinheiro na Internet

Grow online with the frequency to attract success and money on the internet. Make a complete transformation in your vibrational pattern to align yourself with the power of achievement and growth on social media, increasing your chances of earning more money and monetizing accounts. Use this 741hz frequency daily until you reach your goals.

✨ "Namaste, may the luck that accompanies me also accompanies you."


Listen at medium to low volume until the end at least once a day (there is no limit to repetitions);
Use headphones for better absorption (but if you want to leave it playing in ambient sound mode, that's no problem);
You can listen while carrying out daily activities, or in the form of meditation;
Frequencies act best on the subconscious moments after waking up or before going to sleep. If you don't have time to use them during this period, there is no problem in using them at another time. The important thing is to use them to calm the mind and raise your energetic vibration;
If you want to maximize the co-creative force of your desire, associate it with the creative visualization technique of the law of attraction. Here on the channel I have a video explaining how to do it:    • TÉCNICA DE VISUALIZAÇÃO CRIATIVA PARA...  

Play for the Universe 🙌🏼🌍🌟
Jessica Denz

Important Links:

📚 Get my new book: jogaprouniverso.com/reinvente-se/
🔮 Make your map: hotm.art/teste-numerologia-gratuito/
🧠 Reprogramming prosperity jogaprouniverso.com/metodo-a-ciencia-de-ficar-rico…
👉 Or support my work and become a member of this channel:

Follow my other networks:

→ Instagram: www.instagram.com/jessicadenz/
→ Instagram: www.instagram.com/leida.atracao/
→ Website: www.jogaprouniverso.com/

08:08 - starting the energetic process of online success
11:11 - your vibration is being raised with the frequency 741hz
15:15 - complete success is flooding every part of your Being
22:22 - Your power source is strengthened to make money online
28:28 - Take a deep breath and be grateful, because everything is already flowing towards your success


#playfortheuniverse #frequency #hertz