Dog Training 101: How to Train ANY DOG the Basics
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Dog training builds a language between you and your dog. This language encourages feelings of comfort and security, which can help prevent inappropriate behavior, like growling or snipping at strangers. Dog training creates mental stimulation and promotes discipline and obedience to make your dog more active and well-behaved, jumping on others or barking excessively. Therefore, you need to be sure you're 100% ready to take the time to train your dog and be consistent.
Dog training is the act of teaching a dog particular skills or behaviors. Dog training includes teaching dogs to react to specific commands and cues and act independently by deliberately changing their natural behavior.
Dog training usually involves basic obedience training to establish control over the animal and can then progress to more advanced specialist training. Basic obedience training includes teaching a dog.
Recall training – teaching the dog to come on command
Sitting training – teaching the dog to sit on command
Walking or heeling training – teaching the dog to walk on or off lead with the handler
Staying training – teaching the dog not to stray on command
Sociability training – teaching the dog not to be aggressive to humans, other dogs or other animals.
Check out these 10 basic commands to teach your dog.
1) Name Recognition
2) Sit
3) Down
4) Come
5) Leave It
6) Stay
7) Wait
8) Look
9) Heel
10) Drop It
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This was all for today. Hope you liked the video. 👍
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Pets Guide is also run by a pet person whose almost everything revolves around his furry friends. Everything concerns me, from what to feed them, where to lay them, to what is the best product for them, and I am pretty sure you are just like me.
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