Muscovy Ducks: are restricted to south Texas and other limited south points, but many domesticated versions can be seen in parks and farms across much of North America.
Wild Muscovy Ducks are glossy black with bold white wing patches and are forest dwellers that nest in tree cavities. Their range expanded into Texas in the 1980s; feral populations also exist in Florida.
They are the ONLY duck that is NOT derived from the mallard duck. In fact, they are not even technically considered a duck at all 🤷🏽♀️. They are a large waterfowl, something between a goose and a duck.
The Muscovy has much to offer: eggs, meat and great pest control. They are low maintenance, quiet and fit in very well with chickens and other fowl. You can even keep them without a pond or stream nearby. Muscovies will be just as happy with a small paddling pool as their water source.
Muscovy ducks aren't nearly as wild about water as mallard-derived breeds, but they still need plenty of clean water daily.