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muscle (morphic field)

This field will influence muscle development/synthesis using several factors. As well as providing an upgrade to your body, each cell, and every fiber of your being (pun intended)

An important aspect of muscle development is nutrition and hydration. We may have developed unhealthy patterns with regards to this that can be hard to break. Thought patterns create energy. Think of how you feel when you are ruminating on something for a long time, you can take yourself to a dark place. You also bring yourself joy just by think of place that brings you joy. You can walk into a room that feels heavy. This is the result of energy that affects you, and overtime this energy can become so ingrained its hard to break from. This field will help to ingrain patterns that are the opposite. You should start craving foods that serve your muscles even enjoying them. The same with water. It will help to absorb ideal nutrients and leave what doesn’t serve you undigested. I also wanted to create something that would ensure the nutrients are sent directly to the cells that need them, and make sure our muscles receive the most hydration they can that would be beneficial. Thats is after all that's how creatine influences muscle synthesis.

In a similar way it will also work to influence your motivation, desire, and joy for training.

Next, this will influence recovery time. Not only recovery time while sleeping, and on rest days, but intra workout. Meaning you should recover more quickly during sets. Possibly even being able to hit multiple PR’s in a day.

Next the field is designed to help you physically handle an increased training load. Upgrading muscles without addressing joints, ligaments and fascia is a recipe for well let's not manifest anything negative but structurally speaking if one thing is strong and another is weak, the weak points will be the point of failure. By adjusting and upgrading every cell in your body to handle an increased training load (meaning factors such as intensity, frequency, capacity, and duration ) your newfound muscle growth will have strong foundations.

Within a balance overall this field will influence hormonal factors, and peptides. By addressing and influencing the glands that produce them on an individual basis. Based on gender identity, and overall harmony with the body so as to not create imbalance or harm.

Your ideas and subconscious mind, also influence your abilities, all of our abilities. Set a high goal and see how much you achieve. When you think something is impossible it general is. These are examples of how thinking can influence results and I have addressed this, and plan to with future fields as well. It will also help with things we consider hard wired like genetics, as we can influence how our genetics perform. This has been heavily studied. We can turn genes off and on simply by changing our mind state. This field is designed to influence our genetics in such a way that we can grow more muscle and maintain it. Age of course has been thought of, and I urge whatever age you are to not consider yourself old. As this creates a message to your cells to degrade. “I am getting younger, my cells rejuvenate”

If it's not here in the description that doesn’t mean the field can not, or is not designed to do it. The field description is mainly a framework to guide the design. You can say “why didn’t you include this,” or “can you remake this to include this.” But I have because I make my fields to be limitless, just like we are. The limits we have for the most part only exist in our minds. This field can work regardless of gender, and with the goal of helping you achieve your goals. You can influence the way this field behaves, you are powerful. You are not trapped in your situation. You are free. This is only a tool to help you walk in the light of your limitless nature.

This field primarily addresses Type 1, Type 2, and Type 2b skeletal muscle fibers. But will also work with smooth and cardiac muscle fiber not as outlined above, but in a way that can benefit those muscle fibers. To ensure an overall balance.

FAQ: Speakers/headphones both fine. No limit on the fields you can listen to beyond what causes exhaustion this number will be very different for each individual. Start with a few. Muted is ok. Unisex, no gender limitation here my friends. I appreciate you.

If you would like access to downloadable versions or access to all of my premium fields plus wallpaper versions of most files check out my patreon: www.patreon.com/morpheusfields

All of the premium fields are on the Patreon but if you are unable to join or simply don’t want to commit the premium fields are available on Gumroad too. There is also downloadable files there.


Legal disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always consult a doctor when needed