STOP PRAYING AT GOD, START PRAYING WITH GOD: Intimacy Secret | Apostle Arome Osayi
Discover the profound shift in your prayer life with this powerful message from Apostle Arome Osayi. Many believers approach prayer as a one-sided transaction, "praying at God," seeking answers from a distant entity. But what if prayer was designed for intimate communion, a divine partnership? In this transformative teaching, Apostle Arome Osayi unveils the "Intimacy Secret," revealing how to move from transactional prayer to a deep, personal connection with the Almighty.
This message is essential for anyone seeking to deepen their prayer life and experience the fullness of God's presence. Apostle Arome Osayi's insightful teachings will challenge your current understanding of prayer and guide you towards a more intimate and powerful connection with God. Don't just pray at God, learn to pray with Him.
What happens when You Pray WITH GOD Instead Of At Him
• [00:00] Introduction: The Invisible Realm
• [00:56] Knowing God Experientially, Not Intellectually
• [03:29] Different Rules of Engagement in Prayer
• [06:27] Praying in Tongues and the Holy Spirit
• [13:35] Avoiding Prayer Hypocrisy
• [21:41] God in Secret and Prayer Rewards
• [26:54] The Heart as Treasure and the Source of Life
• [31:17] Finding God in Secret and Reconciling Relationships
• [38:23] Heart Check and Clinical Adjustments
• [44:50] Repairing the Altar of Your Heart
• [51:38] Freshness from Heaven and Refreshing
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► Speaker: Apostle Arome Osayi
( setman Rcnglobal )
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