42いいね 1324回再生

MIREI TV /Japanese Club Hostess

MIREI TV is a weekly streaming show where MIREI talks about the latest news from Tokyo and what's on her mind. This week, MIREI talks about Japanese Bar Hostess and Night Entertainment.

MIREI Lonely In Tokyo Remix EP is out now: orcd.co/litremixep
"Lonely In Tokyo Hip Hop Remix feat. CJ Fly"    • MIREI - Lonely in Tokyo Hip Hop Remix...  
Lo-fi Remix animated video is also available:    • MIREI - Lonely In Tokyo Lofi Remix (O...  

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Facebook: www.facebook.com/MIREInyc/

00:00 Japan's Night Entertainment Industry
00:58 Yuukaku (Red Light District) and Gisha
01:44 Snack Bar
02:33 Club
03:27 Kyaba Kula (Cabaret Club)
05:17 Introducing "Kabukicho no Johoh (Queen of Kabukicho)
06:12 "Kabukicho no Joh Oh (Queen of Kabukicho)" by Sheena Ringo (MIREI sings to track)
09:56 Host Club
10:55 The Stabbing Incident