58いいね 1084回再生

(ENG) 34세 이상이라면 꼭! 시청필수❣️ 노화를 늦추려면 펩타이드 성분을 꼭 확인하세요~~🤗

#Peptides #Prevention of Aging #Botox #Collagen Cosmetics #Metrics and Room Cosmetics
#Skin aging care #SkincareRoutine

34 years old or older! If you have any skin problems,
Please listen to my ears

Do you want to slow down your skin aging?
Then, the ingredient you must know is 'peptide'.

In this video, we're going to show you what peptides are,
I will explain in detail how it helps our skin.

Peptides play a very important role in improving skin elasticity and wrinkles,
Let me explain the principle easily.

And check out how you can use it in the video

How to slow skin aging!! If you know the peptide!! You can start right away.
You're the youngest in your life right now!!
Start right away

🎬 Order of video
00:00 Opening
00:39 Meaning of the number
02:00 Raw materials that slow skin aging
02:26 Definition of peptide
03:33 Importance of Peptides
05:00 Function according to peptide type
08:58 Simple Organization
09:28 How to use peptides
10:14 How to improve effectiveness when using peptides
11:34 Precautions for using peptides
12:58 Summing up
13:44 Finishing

Related ingredients and tools are available at Natural Love.

Natural love, DIY cosmetics raw material shopping mall ↓*
naemall.co.kr/ 클릭!!
Contact: 8251 935 3507 / 82105127 3507 (available during business hours)
Please consult the ingredients for the formulation and skin during work hours
Business hours: 9-18 / Lunch time 12:30-13:30

If you want to communicate with Audrey, who studies healthy and pretty skin
Follow me on Instagram
Natural Love Instagram: love_of_nature_korea official
Audrey Instagram: audrey_kyoung_hee_oh@instagram.com
Contact Us for Partnership: dream3004200@naver.co