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Morning Routine - MINDFUL 🧘 meditating is the greatest life hack that most people don't use

Today, let's view our morning with the playful creativity of our three-year-old and the graceful focus of our 108-year-old.
Explore today's full session at intentioninspired.com/morning4


I wake up renewed and smile.
I smile with every cell in my body.
Grateful to live another day.
Eager to honor this gift of life.
Receiving each precious moment.
Accepting and loving what is.
Letting it all wash over me.
Embracing myself and all beings,
with kindness and compassion.


Among a plethora of benefits, meditation is proven to help with the following:

• improves our concentration and attention
• helps us solve problems and make smarter choices
• brings us out of our mental ruts
• reduces stress and lowers blood pressure
• reduces anxiety and depression
• reduces physical pain
• improves sleep
• dampens the genes involved in the inflammatory response, and promotes those genes associated with DNA stability (hello longevity!)
• opens our eyes to the truths we've forgotten


"Meditation is medication."

As you repeat today's mantra, let it guide you into a meditative state of surrender and trust. Allow the repetitive sounds of these words to penetrate the depths of the unconscious mind and adjust the vibration of all aspects of your being towards inner harmony.


Here are two meditation myths we often hear:

Myth #1: "Meditation means clearing your mind."

While that sounds nice, meditation is more about watching your mind, wherever it goes; without judgment. This practice of observing, without attaching to, helps us be the objective witness.

Myth #2: "Meditation should be peaceful and relaxing."

Well, it can be, but it’s not going to be like that all the time. And when it isn’t? That’s ok! Meditation is about seeing things clearly, not wanting them to be a certain way.


How about you?
What is one way you will sprinkle an extra bit of mindfulness into your morning routine?

Share it with us in the comments below or our Morning Routine Activity Feed at intentioninspired.com/join-morning-routine