Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS) isn’t rare—just rarely talked about. This HS Awareness Week, we want to help change that and are shining a spotlight on members of the HS community who've bravely shared their HS stories. They are our Beacons (of light).
For HS Beacon Jeremy, his busy on-the-go lifestyle as a photographer, videographer and audio engineer, came to a halt due to his hidradenitis suppurativa. But with his support system, Jeremy was able to refocus on a new future, sharing his experience through film to help others.
Share Jeremy’s story to help raise awareness of hidradenitis suppurativa using #HSAwareness.
HS is a painful and recurrent inflammatory skin disease. It causes boil-like abscesses that can burst, creating open wounds, often in the most intimate parts of the body, resulting in irreversible scarring. It can take 10 years to get a diagnosis, even though HS affects approximately 1 in 100 people globally.
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