Mannargudi Rajagopalan-Vijaya Gopala Te Mangam-Surati-Naryana Theerthar_Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer
Vijaya gOpAla tE mangaLam – Narayana Theerthar
vijaya gOpAla tE mangaLam jaya viSvam bhara tE mangaLam ||
Victory to you, Oh Gopala, wish you all auspiciousness. Victory to you, the protector of the universe.
Charanam 1
nanda yaSOdA nandana sundara
manda smita dhruta mandara
nanda sunandAdi vandita pAdAra
vinda gOvinda jaya mangaLam ||
Oh beautiful son of Nanda and Yasoda. Your smile is gentle and you lifted the Mandara mountain. Oh Govinda, Nanda and Sunanda worship your lotus feet. Wish you Victory.
Chanam 2
chAru kadambaka taru moolA Srita
chanchala maNi maya kunDala
dAruNa vaiiri samharaNa parAkrama
dAsa pOshaNa tE mangaLam ||
You look beautiful with diamond studded ear rings under Kadamba tree. You vanquished your treacherous enemies showing great valour and protected your devotees. Wish you auspiciousness.
Charanam 3
chandana champaka tulasee kalpaka
Seetala vana sanchAriNE
vAchAma gOchara charita sadAnanda
vAsudEvAya tE mangaLam ||
move about under the cool shade of sandalwood, champaka and kalpaka trees. Oh Vasudeva, it is not possible for us to comprehend the record of your deeds. You are ever blissful. Wish you auspiousness.
Charanam 4
gOpee manDala gooDha parAyaNa
gOvinda gOkula nAyaka
Apadudharaka akhila janA dhAra
tApaharaNa tE mangaLam ||
Oh lord of Gokulam, You showered immense joy on Gopikas. You saved Gokulam from the worst dangers. You are the prop for all. You dispel sorrow. Oh Krishna, wish you auspiciousness.
Charanam 5
vardhita gObrunda vana mAli
gOvardhana giridhara vAmana
teerdha kruta Siva nArAyaNa teerdha
mAnasa sArasamandira ||
Oh Gopala, You protected the cows and you wore tulasi garlands. You lifted Govardhana hill and saved Gokulam. In Vamana and subsequent incarnations, you rescued the world. You dwell in the lotus hearts of sages. Narayana Teerdha's heart is sanctified by your grace.