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Pro Goalkeeper Decides My EAFC Rating!

I Got my EAFC 25 Rating from a Pro Goalkeeper at the Derby County FC Training Ground. Scott Loach has over 500 appearances as a Professional Goalkeeper and he'll be putting me through a series of test. From reflex saves to diving drills, watch as I’m pushed to my limits and to see if I can beat his prime rating of 72. Featuring special guests: ‪@RushGK‬ & ‪@PerrinGoalkeeping‬Big thanks to:    / @scottloachgk  

Subscribe for more EAFC content, Mic'd Up Goalkeeping, Football challenges, and Pro Goalkeeper tests!    / @thescousegk  

EMAIL: thescousegk@gmail.com

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🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators.
Love Me Again by John Newman, lickd.lnk.to/RqBy3dID License ID: MdQnp06Y10a
Blacked Out by Richard Kimmings, t.lickd.co/OG2OmrOAyde License ID: WoGJEwKKRXO
Engage by Barrie Gledden, t.lickd.co/pm8Xod0gpy1 License ID: vLQxvjBW9r7
Fight Night by Barrie Gledden, t.lickd.co/OMp3onymwpQ License ID: nprx7ERL4OE
If you want to use music from famous artists, try Lickd to get track credits and unlimited stock music: app.lickd.co/r/ba96ca81baca46b5aa107059f4059956

Thank you to my Producer Gleb:

Gloves powered by One Glove:

Royalty Free Music from tunetank.com/

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