0いいね 224回再生


Hello all, here's the first of regular puppy updates obviously this one on LITTER ONE - Freda's Pups - luckily we're on the road too recovery both Mem and me from health issues there's a lot of viruses about here during this cold spell plus once again we've to take no notice of these bloody defeatist attitudes from some folk tbh there's quite a few very sad people living here and I think with very empty life's but nIm a realist and just cast them to one side we've a big enough job on our hands.
What words can i say about Mem's grit and determination to get thinks followed through I never seen in 6 yrs here anyone to match her and especially while Ive a couple of health Issue's for those of you genuinely interested in our achievement here we THX YOU DEEPLY for the others get a life saddos ! WE BATTLE ON REGARDLESS