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Start Your Online Coaching Business | Step-By-Step Guide

*Clarity Week (Attract More of Your Ideal Clients): bit.ly/3I0Abeu
*Clarity to Scale (Grow & Scale): bit.ly/3SYXc87
*Brand Clarity Collective: kayeputnam.com/bcc

Thinking about starting an online coaching business and brand? You’ve come to the right place! Get ready to dive into the five key steps that will set you up on a path to success. Let’s get started!

#brand #branding #entrepreneur #onlinebusiness #coaching #brandpsychology #brandstrategy

Canva: partner.canva.com/c/379331/647168/10068
ActiveCampaign: www.activecampaign.com/?r=IKAFVWVM
Creative Market: creativemarket.com/kayeputnam/collections?u=kayepu…
Divi/Elegant Themes: bit.ly/KayeDivi #onlinebusiness

🎙Tech Specs: kit.co/kayeputnam/youtube-live-video
🤓 Online Business Resources: www.kayeputnam.com/resources/

00:00 Intro
00:52 Niche
03:45 Brand Identity
05:21 Container
06:36 Marketing
07:59 Serve & Scale

Personal Development Books: kit.co/kayeputnam/self-development-books
Branding Books: kit.co/kayeputnam/branding-books

Set up & sell an online course: bit.ly/KayeTeachable
Host live or evergreen webinars: bit.ly/KayeEZWebinar
Build a lead-generating quiz: bit.ly/interactquizzes
Archetype-specific templates & assets: bit.ly/KayeCM
Captions for videos: bit.ly/KayeRev
Drag & drop launch funnels: bit.ly/KayeCF
I use Divi to build 99% of sites for me & clients: bit.ly/KayeDivi
& prefer to host on WPEngine: bit.ly/KayeWPEng (get 2 months free!)

Many of the links are affiliate links, meaning if you sign up, I’ll get a small payment as a thank you at no additional cost. I appreciate you supporting this channel!


Kaye Putnam is a psychology-driven brand strategist for entrepreneurs who want to stand out in the market, connect with clients/customers on an emotional level, and scale their businesses.

Stick around & subscribe to learn more about... naming your brand, using psychology in business, online marketing strategy, brand design, finding your voice, creating a team culture, scaling using brand standards, ...and a whole lot