27いいね 1512回再生

Why achieving a net-zero economy is within our reach

This second episode of our Clean Electrification series looks at the reasons why a net-zero future is achievable. Primarily, because the key technologies and business solutions necessary are either already available or almost within reach.

With the cost of renewables falling rapidly, generating clean energy from wind & solar is cheaper than fossil fuels across most of the world. Thanks to low-cost batteries for energy storage, we can build flexible, integrated electricity systems that allow us more control over where and when we use our energy.

Watch the video to find out what barriers we must overcome today to unlock a cleaner tomorrow.

To find out more, read the ETC’s report 'Making Clean Electrification Possible: 30 Years to Electrify the Global Economy' here; www.energy-transitions.org/publications/making-cle…