8 Things Controlling Personalities Do To Keep You Under Them.
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You might happen to know someone with a controlling personality in your lives, right, guys? It could be your friend, your partner, your boss, or anyone else really,
It seems like they are making plans, and always want everyone to follow along with them; what they are going to do, what they are going to eat, or what they want you to do after that. They are often giving you unsolicited advice, telling you to do something "Because I want you to," or not to do something because "I don't want you to do that."
People with controlling personalities often have codependency issues. They solely rely on their ability to control others, to make themselves feel more confident and happy. Once a controlling person has you under his or her apron, It can be challenging to get out.
By doing this, they end up making you feel like you have lost your personality, your independence. Thereby, they have their thumbs, and they destroy your self-esteem.
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