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Future progressive tense | future continuous tense | progressive tense | in Urdu | in Hindi

Links to the videos:
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Welcome to our video on mastering the future progressive tense. In English, the future progressive tense is used to talk about actions that will be in progress at a specific time in the future.
To form the future progressive tense, we use the helping verb "will be" followed by the present participle of the main verb. For example, "I will be studying at this time tomorrow."
It is important to remember that the future progressive tense is used when we want to emphasize the ongoing nature of an action in the future.
Practice using the future progressive tense in your sentences to become more comfortable with this concept. Soon, you will be able to use it naturally in your conversations.

Future progressive tense in English grammar
Future progressive tense in grammar
Future continuous tense in English grammar
Future continuous tense in grammar
Progressive tense
Continuous tense
Progressive tense with examples
Continuous tense with examples
Future tenses in Hindi
Future tenses in Hindi

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