Today, let's rest in the felt sense of "I amness" by witnessing with broader awareness.
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There is a brief time, between sleeping and waking when reality begins to warp back into present-day life.
This liminal arousal is a unique opportunity to enjoy our spacious beingness and quieted mind before it gets a'head' of us into the day.
Immediately upon naturally waking up tomorrow morning, notice, and savor this hypnopompic meditative state.
During his morning routine walk, Mooji offers simple and practical guidance for how best to start the day grounded in presence.
"Just be aware of the sense of being, it is not personal. Of all habits, this is going to be the most fruitful, the most delivering. And this habit becomes integrated in your being. The more you try this, the better it gets!"
– Mooji
As extensions of Source and creators of worlds, how we focus our energy is how we manifest our reality.
Positive thoughts lead to positive experiences, while negative thoughts manifest negative experiences.
This is why gratitude is such a powerful practice to include in our morning routine. It is a simple and accessible way to invite more joyful abundance into the rest of the day.
• Reflect on something you wish you had more of; like love, money, joy, fame, or relationships.
• Recognize that it is the positive feelings you will feel upon having that thing that inspires your desire to manifest it.
• Appreciate what you already have that creates the same positive feelings.
• Remember that you are always worthy to receive more of those things that bring you joy.
• Trust that benevolent Universal forces are working on your behalf as you think and speak and do what feels good for you.
If you could only get one thing done today, what would it be?
This question helps us really narrow down what is most important.
If you could only get one thing done today, what would it be?
Share it with us in the comments below or our Morning Routine Activity Feed at