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5 front end projects to get a job 🔥 | | Revealing My Project Portfolio! | Part2

I have been asked hundreds of times which projects are the best for building a resume, so in this video, I decided to finally answer the question by explaining the five best projects for building a resume and landing a job. I even used three of the five projects on this list to land my first job and I was told countless times that the reason I received job offers and interviews at many companies was because of the projects on my resume. The best part is any of these projects can be built in a single week so you can start applying and landing jobs sooner.

🧠 Concepts Covered:
5 front end projects to get a job
What companies are looking for in resumes
Which projects are the best for getting hired
What skills you need to get hired
How to build projects that will get you hired

Important Links -

Brochure website - codepen.io/FlakHound/pen/oqpxyP
A blog template with HTML and CSS - symu.co/freebies/templates-4/blog-psd-template/
Web application using an API - codepen.io/MehdiAoussiad/pen/rNeZKGa

#job #projects #softwareEngineer #javascript #react #angular #vue

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beginner javascript projects,
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quick javascript projects,
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5 front end projects to get a job


It doesn't feel good to have a disclaimer in every video but this is how the world is right now.
All videos are for educational purposes and use them wisely. Any video may have a slight mistake, please take decisions based on your research. This video is not forcing anything on you.

Please watch: "5 Project Ideas to Get a Job as a Frontend Developer in 2023"
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