🧮很多人都以為一手樓會較貴令到收租回報沒二手樓咁高, 但事實又真的是這樣嗎?⚖️
📊今集就以我們作為租務管理的角度看看現在在劍橋買新樓投資, 實際回報率有幾高呢? 我們會帶你們看多個新建項目, 分析真實租金收多少, 客人查詢量多不多及哪種人最大機會成為租客.👩🎓👨🏻🔧👩🏿⚕️
📈當然投資新樓也希望有升值潛力, 所以在劍橋買雖然相比起中部或北部城市較貴, 但絕對長遠來說, 物業升值空間會較高.⬆️
👀🏠🚩歡迎大家查詢關於今個夏天Pure Living劍橋睇樓團!
🧮Due to higher purchase prices, there is a general consensus that new builds will yield lower than second hand properties, but is that really the truth?⚖️
📊In this episode, we look at this from the view as a local letting agent comparing how well new builds fare in Cambridge. We take you to several new developments and analyze how much rent it pulls in, the number of inquiries and also what types of tenants these properties attract.👩🎓👨🏻🔧👩🏿⚕️
📈Investing in new build properties is not only about rental income but also capital appreciation, which is why many choose to buy in Cambridge rather than in locations in the Midlands or up North.⬆️
👀🏠🚩If you are interested in the Cambridge house viewing tour organized by Pure Living, please use the WhatsApp link below.
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