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Here is what I'm doing to make sure all of those holiday photos don't get out of control! 💡➡️➡️

Who else is team, takes 10000 photos of everything I see during the holidays???

Here is what I'm doing to make sure all of those pictures don't get out of control!

📷I always favorite the best shots. I try to make this a nightly habit, especially when I'm on vacation. I do a quick scroll through my photos of that day and add that heart icon to the ones that really stand out.

📸At the same time, I delete the junk. Even as a professional photographer, I will admit occasionally there is an accidental photo of my foot in the mix! That along, with all of the other repetitive or blurry pictures need to go

📷Once a month, I make sure all of my photos are downloaded to my computer and backed up to Amazon Photos. This back up can be set up automatically, but I always like to check in and make sure all of my photos are there.

If you're looking for help with this process, there are easy apps to make getting photo organized mindless. I suggest Ollie. This app uses Al to help you delete the junk and keep your camera roll neat!

Check out Ollie:

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