Drum: Hopwell 15 note, 14" steel tongue drum in D major
It's a bit of a challenge to manage resonance while recording steel drums, so just practicing a bit here. Apologies, this sounded not bad on headphones, but is horrible on pc and android. will try with a dynamic mic soon. This is recorded with an audio technica AT2020 Cardioid Condenser Mic. Phone audio is also included. (Samsung S22). Edited in Premiere Pro and Studio One.
I have a variety of chakra crystals mounted on small magnets for energy work as well as for tuning and dampening. This drum is also in the process of being custom painted and is still a work in progress.
The light source is a small rgb tealight purchased separately and mounted inside. It was inspired by this video • How to make your Steel tongue drum GL...
I plan to create more drum videos for energy work as well as tips and original tunes, so if you enjoy this, please leave a like and subscribe! 😊