5いいね 482回再生

永遠比那些笨蛋年輕 Eternally Younger Than Those Idiots

日本 | 2021 | 118’ | 日語對白,中英文字幕 | DCP | 彩色

23/10 (六) 7pm
24/10 (日) 3pm

大學生涯即將結束,已找到兒童社工一職的堀貝 (佐久間由衣 飾) 閒得發愁。身高170cm的22歲處女,身邊人覺得她奇怪,本人卻毫無自覺。打工上學回家,日子就是散漫。堀貝跟比她小一年的豬乃木 (奈緒 飾) 上同一所大學,豬乃木有着傷痛往事,兩人相知相識,關係獨特。與此同時,因朋友的死,堀貝漸漸發現隱藏在身邊日常的「暴力」及「悲傷」…改編太宰治獎及芥川獎作家津村記久子的小說,處處散發感性與治癒的語言力量。與惡的距離或近,但少年的你永遠比他們年輕,幸福終站在你的一方。

Director: Ryohei Yoshino
Cast: Yui Sakuma, Nao
Japan | 2021 | 118’ | In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles | DCP | Colour

23/10 (Sat) 7pm
24/10 (Sun) 3pm

The story begins in ordinary days of Horigai, a 22-year-old virgin who is about to graduate and got a job as a social worker. She is spending boring days between her school and apartment with her college graduation coming soon. She meets Inogi at the same college, a girl who has tragic childhood, but somehow they get along in a little weird way. When Horigai's friend Homine dies, she starts to find out violent and pitiful things around Homine that Horigai couldn't see when he was alive.