MY BIRD LAID AN EGG, WHAT NOW! Let's talk about egg binding, egg-laying, the problems that come with egg-laying, what to do if your bird has laid an egg, and how to prevent or stop them from laying eggs in the future! There are a lot of problems that come with egg-laying such as egg binding, egg yolk peritonitis, osteoporosis, hypolipidemia, and prolapsed cloacas! Birds can lay eggs without a mate and you could even be the cause of them laying eggs! As parrot owners, we should try our best to discourage egg-laying in our parrots!
🐥My little chickens🐥
💛 Pineapple 💛: pineapple green cheek conure
💙 Pumpkin 💙: turquoise green cheek conure
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Won, Pineapple, and Pumpkin!
#egglaying #eggbinding #mybirdlaidanegg