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비전공자가 8주 동안 만든 모션그래픽 결과물은? // 모션훈련소 최종화 // MSI

Korea's first "Growing Up Motion Graphic Designers" project!
🔥Welcome to Johnkoba's Motion Training Center🔥.

To create a single high-performance motion graphic
"Self-created content✨" prepared by Johnkoba
8 weeks from now, motion graphics made by 6 trainees!
Final deliverables will be released 🎉


Johnkoba's 🔸 Offline 🔸 'Motor Graphics & Photoshop Basic Class' ↓↓↓

"Motor Graphics Self-Learning" from drawing to motion in one shot ↓↓↓
   • 촌스러움을 없애는 모션그래픽 독학하는 법 4단계! // 유튜브코세스  

Going to take a motion graphic online class ↓↓↓


Laptop: MSI Creator Z17 HX Studio A14VGT-i9 WIN11



00:00 🔥 Highlight🔥
Week 00:207 : Last inspection time
01:53 One-on-one feedback time
05:56 8th week: the day of discharge
06:42 1️⃣ Trainee Kang Byeong-gu's presentation begins!
07:35 🔸Trainer Kang Byeong-gu Final Results Revealed
08:30 2️⃣ Trainman Park's presentation begins!
09:08 🔸 Training Bottleneck Final Results Revealed
09:47 3️⃣ Trainee Ahn Hyun-chae's announcement begins!
10:33 🔸 Trainee Ahn Hyun-chae's final result is revealed
11:12 4️⃣ Trainee Lee Ji-seop's presentation begins!
11:39 🔸 Trainee Lee Ji-seop's final result is revealed
12:34 5️⃣ Trainee Kim Minseo's presentation begins!
13:03 🔸 Trainee Kim Min-seo final result revealed
13:18 6️⃣ Trainee Lee Yoo-rim's presentation begins!
13:51 🔸 Trainee Lee Yoo-rim final result revealed
14:38 💡 Johnkoba's portfolio production tips
16:05 After finishing the motion training center


Contact Us for Advertisement/Collaboration: johnkoba@p