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😱TA Army Bharti में जाने से पहले ये दौड़ जरूर देख लेना! 1600 Meter Run #1600m #indianarmy #TA

Welcome to our YouTube Channel ‘Prithvi Sainik School’

Jai Hind Cadet,

Our mission is to help you succeed in your journey to join the Indian Army by providing top-notch coaching for written exams and physical fitness training.

1. Here’s a quick overview of “Prithvi Defence Academy” PDA Parivaar :

(a) 400 Meter Ground with Proper Light for night
(b) Gym
(c) Classroom
(d) Swimming Pool
(e) Hostel
(f) Mess
(g) Other Utility Shops

2. Fee Structure

Life Time Registration - 2950/-
रजिस्ट्रेशन के साथ मिलने वाली वस्तुए इस प्रकार है
(i) एकेडमी कीट (ii) 2 आर्मी बनयान (iii) ट्रैकशूट (iv) बैग (v) डॉक्यूमेंट फोल्डर

Monthly Fees- 2850/-
आपको मिलेगा जिसमें रहना , खाना , पढ़ाई , फिजिकल , जिम इत्यादि।

Note - पहले महीने में आपको 5800/- * रुपये लगेगा, जिसमें रजिस्ट्रेशन और मंथली फीस शामिल रहेगी । उसके बाद प्रति माह आपको 2850/- * रु फीस ही रहेगी।

3. Address
Maa Aman Chaman Road, Near to Kundeshwar Mahadev, Betma, Indore (MP) - 453001

Phone Number +91-7470473294
E-mail- pdabetma1@gmail.com
Whatsapp +91- 7470473794
Website- prithvidefenceacademy.com/
App- play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.carroll.j…

4. Topic cover/ Courses Offered in PDA YouTube Channel :

Agniveer GD
Agniveer Tradesman
Agniveer Techinical
Agniveer Office Assistant (Clerk)
Nursing Assistant (NA)

5. Visit Our Website For Other Information Such As

(a) Tentative Schedule Of Basic Sainik Course
(b) PT Schedule
(c) Food Schedule
(d) Fee Structure
(e) About Founder
(f) Our Facilities
(g) Course Highlights

Website - prithvidefenceacademy.com/

6. Facilities Provided by Prithvi Defence Academy, Betma
1. The founder of the school Sainik Vijay Yadav himself has served as a commando and PT trainer in the Indian Army for 18 years, guided you by him 24 hours X 7 days
2. School fees 2850/- Month in which living, eating, studying, physical, gym etc.
3. Lifetime Registration 2950/- In which you have to keep academy kit, two army vests, track suits, school bag, folder to keep documents
4. Different teacher for each subject (PT, Study and other staff)
5. 400 meters ground with all facilities and light in the entire ground for the night, you can practice whenever you want, natural heel ground and cross country route separately
6. For foundation students, 6 hours regular class under which regular test series (2 tests) is run, merit is made on the basis of the performance of the week
7. Huge gym and other training equipment on the ground
8. Huge ground for cricket, volleyball, football, kabaddi
9. Physical Test every Sunday weekly
10. Pre Army Recruitment Rally Medical Test Facility
11. Too much focus on weak students
12 Physiotherapy Clinic, Hair Cutting Saloon, Kirana Store, Fauji Dhaba Restaurant, Milkha Dudh Dairy, Sainik Cafeteria, Cloth Store Facility
13. Classroom with smart board
14. Furnished mess with good seating arrangement
15. Barrack system on the lines of Indian Army with Khatia
16. To learn firing range-shooting (proposed)
17. Music Class – Special training to students who want to learn all types of Dum, Bugle, Tabla, Dhol
18. Skill Training – Welder, Carpenter, Mason, Electrician, Plumber, Fauil, Pipe Fitting etc.
19. Special preparation of Army Recruitment Trials and Adaptability Test from time to time
20 Special training for students wishing to learn computer classes
21. All this training will give you in the 400m ground. It will be given inside the track, from where you want to stay, there will be a mess to eat at four steps, ground at four steps, class also