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• Project Pop - Bukan Superstar (SUPER ...
This is probably the best version can be found on YOUTUBE.
THe very-very-very latest single from PROJECT POP (and also their latest album) ... Gilaa nih orang dah berkarir dari jaman kapan taun ... Udah ada 11 tahun kali yaa ...
Masih gokil aja ...
The concept of this music video is REALLY GREAT, FUNNY, and CREATIVE (for this one, no wonder lahh ... Since, this video is directed by the mighty "RIZAL MANTOVANI" ) ...huehehehehe ..
The storyline of this music video is simple to understand (especially by Indonesian). Since, in this video .. every members of Project Pop had a dreaming to become superstar. The visualization of their dream is quite funny tho. Such as:
Gugum try to impersonate Glenn Fredly
Odie try to impersonate Ariel "Peterpan"
Oon try to impersonate Noe "Letto"
Tika try to impersonate Mulan Jameela and Dewi Sandra
Udjo try to impersonate Giring "Nidji"
Yosi try to impersonate Pasha "Ungu".
My favorite part (also the funniest according to me myself) is when OON sang the line "ANDAI AKU LETTO, WIS PASTI AKU WONG JOWO ..." hehehehe,
Enjoy the song, the clip ,,,
NO HATERS COMMENT (it is easy to delete that ... unfortunately).
MV released : August 2008