Hello everyone! こんにちは みんな!
It's been a month and a half since my last video. Many things happened in this meanwhile, and I wasn't able to work on my channel, I apologize for that.
To compensate, I'm bringing another video with Line Distribution!! But I also wanna say this may be the last one...
Making videos with Line Distribution takes three, four, maybe five times more time than regular videos. If it's a video I can fully make it in one day, with line distribution I take a whole week. It's not worth it for me, considering that I stan +60 groups and I wanna make many videos for you!
But at the same time, I'm obsessed with line distribution in general, it's something that I really enjoy and not always we have videos of line distribution or even correct videos. So, thinking of that, I decided that, in fact, I WILL make more line distribution videos. But I'll focus on specific cases, just like this one.
Famous K-Pop groups usually have plenty of line distribution videos, such as SEVENTEEN, TWICE, ATEEZ, Stray Kids and more. These groups always have line distribution videos from big channels, so working on them here is quite pointless. But not well known groups like my children The Wind, NINE.i, CSR and others, if I see I wanna check their line distributions and there's no video for them, then maybe I'll make for them. And J-Pop groups, mostly, they don't have line distribution AT ALL, just like FRUITS ZIPPER. I saw one or two videos of OCTPATH, MeseMoa. maybe, but generally they just DON'T HAVE. With that in mind, I may make line distribution videos for J-Pop groups.
Even a question I have: for J-Pop groups which the members sing together in the chorus (like this video of FRUITS ZIPPER), should I count these lines or not? Because different from K-Pop, most J-Pop idols in fact sing all choruses. I counted in this video, but depending on the public opinion, I may not in next videos.
Well, talking a bit about FRUITS ZIPPER: I discovered them this year, a few months ago, and I was OBSESSED with them. But because of many K-Pop releases and other stuff, I couldn't make a video for them... Until now.
“キミコイ (Dear You)” was my favorite song so far, but I liked many many songs from them!! And I wanted to know who sings more overall, so I risked on line distribution video for them. I hope you'll like it!!!
Please enjoy~
Song: Dear You (キミコイ)
Album: Dear you - Single
Artist: FRUITS ZIPPER (フルーツジッパー)