#영천 #보현산천문대 #보현산천문과학관 #보현산천문전시체험관 #AstronomicalObservatory #YeongCheon #BohyeonSan
www.kasi.re.kr/boao/in dex
www.yc.go.kr/toursub/s tarsm/main.do
Here is Astronomical Science Museum.
There is a rocking chair.
There is a slide on the playground.
The air is fresh and the scenery is very nice.
Hwi-jun & Hwi-seung like this song.
"Lemon Tree" and "Amazing grace"
Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now I"m found. (It) was blind, but now I see.
(It) was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved.
How precious did that grace appear. The hour I first believed.
Through many dangers toils and snares, I have already come.
(It) was grace that brought me safe thus far.
And grace will lead me home.
I once was lost but now I'm found.
(It) was blind but now I see.
[First Story~~]
Hwi-jun & Hwi-seung visited Bohyeon-san(mountain) Astronomical Observatory in Yeong-cheon.
Bohyeon-san(mountain) Astronomical Observatory, one of the 3 largest astronomical observatories in Korea, is located at the top of Bohyeon-san.
www.kasi.re.kr/boao/in dex
www.yc.go.kr/toursub/s tarsm/main.do
Bohyeon-san Astronomical Science Museum
보현산 천문 과학관
Bohyeon-san Astronomical Exhibition Experience Museum
보현산 천문 전시체험관
There are two buildings.
One is Astronomical Science Museum.
The other is Astronomical Exhibition Experience Museum.
There is a Bohyeon-ho Rocket.
This is the inside of Astronomical Exhibition Experience Museum.
You can experience various space experiences.
Hwi-jun & Hwi-seung like various space experiences.
Hwi-jun & Hwi-seung study the gravity of other planets.
This is Spacecraft Docking Training.
This is Spacecraft Launch Training.
Hwi-jun & Hwi-seung move to the next building(Astronomical Science Museum).