As Delhi continues to reel under the severe water crisis, AAP Minister Atishi will begin her indefinite hunger strike soon in South Delhi's Bhogal. The strike is being held to put pressure on Haryana to get 100 million gallons of water per day from the state. Ahead of starting the fast, Atishi along with Sunita Kejriwal, Sanjay Singh, and others arrived at Rajghat to pay tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.
Earlier today, Atishi visited the residence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to meet his family before sitting on an indefinite fast. Atishi, in a social media post, said that in spite of all the efforts, Haryana's BJP government was not releasing Delhi's due share of water.
#delhiwatercrisis #atishi #arvindkejriwal #aamaadmiparty #indiatoday
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