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THE ISLAND CHAPTER 1 PART 2 #wwe2k25 #theisland #romanreigns #wwe #2k #rulebeyondthering

For the first time in wwe 2k franchise history, step outside the ropes and onto the island. in this immersive wwe-themed world, complete quests, take on challenges, compete in live events, and upgrade and customize your mysuperstar through multiple storyline chapters. #wwe2k25 #theisland #romanreigns #wwe #2k #rulebeyondthering

This new WWE 2K25 gameplay trailer gives us our first look at many of the new additions coming to the wrestling game, including the WWE 2K25 Bloodline showcase mode, Intergender gameplay, Bloodline Rules, WWE 2K25 Underground matches, and the brand new, online interactive world called The Island.

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