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Following an Imam on Livestream: Is Your Salah Valid? | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

With online access to live prayers, many Muslims wonder: Can I pray Tarawīh behind a virtual imam? In this important discussion, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi explains the Islamic rulings and scholarly opinions on following an imam remotely via livestream or online platforms. Learn whether this practice is valid, the conditions of congregational prayer, and what scholars say about praying Tarawīh from home. #DrOmarSuleiman #MuftiMenk #YasirQadhi #DrHaifaaYounis #BilalAssaad #AbuBakarZoud #BelalAssaad #YasminMogahed #ShAmmarAlshukry #RaniaAwaad #IslamicScholars #IslamicTeachings #MotivationalIslamicTalks #IslamicWisdom #EducationalIslamicContent #IslamicGuidance #IslamicLectures #InspirationalIslamicScholars #SpiritualGuidance #WellnessTalks #IslamicCounseling #MotivationalIslamicVideos #IslamicDiscussions #WisdomFromScholars #MuslimInspiration #IslamicFaith