I was invited to Bub Resort, which I've always wanted to go to.
It was more fun than I could have ever imagined, and it was a travel experience unlike any other!
I definitely want to go again!
I highly recommend it for families with children!
BUB RESORT Yatsugatake
3545-1-148 Nenbahara, Kiyosato, Takane-machi, Hokuto-shi, Yamanashi
TEL: 0551-45-9100
◉BUB RESORT / Bub Resort [Official] YouTube
➜Beauty and daily life of a 39-year-old mom
Rakuten ROOM
〒1070052 9-7-1 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Midtown Tower 28th floor UUUM Co., Ltd. Namichannel
Please subscribe to the channel. Requests are also welcome.
38 years old | 168cm | Mom of 4 and 7 year old siblings | Loves beauty and cooking
Yellow skin tone | Natural bone structure | Elegant face type
❥Japan Cosmetics Examination Level 1 ❥Medicinal food coordinator ❥Vegetable specialist ❥Fermented food sommelier
I'm Nami, a mom of two boys, two years apart.
I've been in the apparel industry for 11 years, and now I'm trying various things while raising my children.
My child goes to kindergarten, my husband is two years older than me, and my cat Rutile, so we are a family of four people and one pet.
I upload videos about cooking, VLOG, childcare, makeup, fashion, shopping, travel, etc.
[Lifestyle] Many of the updates are in series and we will also respond to requests, so please subscribe to our channel. We also update our daily lives on Instagram and Twitter! Popular series videos▼
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Music provided by Production Music by