Sound Of Berberia Director Tariq El Idrissi To Direct Upcoming Biopic Movie About Ash/Asheeq From HealMyTech & HealMyTajweed
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Fatima Zahra Kharbouch Oppression 06 - The Truth Shall Set You Free - Release Post Partum
Revenue from Google AdSense is Haram. I am/have removed Google AdSense revenue from the Tajweed YouTube Channel, and now gradually removing from the tech channel and related platforms. If you still see ads, I haven't had the chance yet.
Upcoming HealMyTime...
The police called me back today (16 May 2024) for a PV, after I had already signed some documents, and after there was an agreement to see the judge tomorrow to finalise the issue and be returned my personal belongings. They have returned my passport but told me not to leave town.
This video is unlisted, to be released in case of my demise, or new information comes to light.