1049いいね 297662回再生

【喜剧女王】专治不开心!!新春佳节 贾玲带着快乐来啦!!!😆😆😆😆

Welcome the New Year of the the Year of the Loong to the Funny Variety Club to accompany you during the Spring Festival 😆😆😆

😽 Welcome to subscribe to the Fun Variety Club:bit.ly/3ONMTRI

🤣 More exciting special features:
Those comedians who grow on my laughing spot:bit.ly/49kGsOq
[Ace to Ace] Ace laughs repeatedly, reaching new heights with laughter:bit.ly/3SJc7lt
[Run] Run! Brothers with plenty of jokes:bit.ly/3uHTqXp

#JiaLing #HotandSpicyBoilingHot