37いいね 638回再生

What is path to enlightenment- How to enter path-What happens on path

Today about the path. What is path to enlightenment, how to enter the path, and what happens once on the path.
Path to enlightenment is going deep and deeper into the mind. We are slowly sinking, being gradually absorbed by the mind. We leave the surface level with ordinary thoughts behind us. Mind is still most of the time, and it rearranges itself in a way that keeps out all the disturbances and fluctuations. Mind itself takes over. It’s no more something that we do or have to do, mind does it by itself. We enter the stream that takes us as along. We become part of that stream, and all the individual features or characteristics are let go. There is truly no more me or mine. Only the stream. We go where it takes us. That’s why once we enter the path, our actions become unpredictable. We never know what comes next. Since I’ve entered the path, I stopped planning things. Whatever happens is equally right, no likes or dislikes, aversions or attractions. Even if they appear for a short moment, they quickly disappear without a trace.
As to how to enter the path, it happens by itself too, once we are settled inside still part of mind. Mind has to be sufficiently still for long enough, continuously. Again, we can’t force it or make it quicker. It happens at its own pace, when the circumstances are right. What we do prior to that, is practice no thoughts state of mind, for longer and longer periods, till it prevails over surface thoughts, and cuts them off. Thus we prepare for the still mind take over. Nothing in this process can be forced. It matures, like a tree, at its own pace, and off its own accord.
What happens on the path? What do we see or hear or experience? It’s nothing like what we experience on the surface level. There are images of completely different quality and strength, more graphic and present, in different colouring, without any time or space sequences. We might see for example future events that have not unfolded yet on the surface level, or past events from other people’s lives, or gain insights into how things are. We can also hear a variety of voices, sometimes in languages we don’t understand. The insights we experience are conveyed directly, without the presence of images or sounds, we just know. It’s the knowing that is present inside the still mind, buddho.
We have to be careful with the images and sounds, not to take them too seriously or engage with them, just let them be. They are still part of human conditioning, and therefore prone to mistakes. We are not over yet, completely out of conditioning. Path is the way across, but not the destination itself. Complete enlightenment, or seeing things directly without any human conditioning, still beckons. Nevertheless, it’s a significant change from what we experience on the surface level, and leaves a deep sense of being part of a different dimension. You can not possibly mistake one for another. When I first encountered some images from events that have not yet happened on the surface level, I recognised them at once for what they are, something that is yet to occur. Sometimes these are events not far from the so called present on the surface level, but sometimes they are well into the future. So far they have all eventuated on the surface level, and I’m trusting these images to a degree. As I said earlier, because they are still within mental concepts, they can be wrong.
When it comes to insights though, which are conveyed directly, without mental imagery, I trust them completely. What you just know on that level, comes directly from deep inside the mind.
Once on the path, we also see our past lives. They can appear together, in a sequence, or scattered over different occasions while inside the path. Again, we recognise them instantly for what they are.
I encountered some details from these past lives, that I always felt were somehow familiar on the surface level, without really understanding why.
Anyway, there are many variations of what happens on the path. We each have our own, and no one’s account can possibly tell us what we’ll encounter on ours. As everything else about enlightenment, it’s about personal experience. Only experience counts.
So start preparing to enter your own path. Once you are on it, path will take you all the way.
Take care.
Bye bye.
P.S.: I like to use words “buddha” for enlightened being, someone we encounter on a surface level, and “buddho” for knowing of the mind, that is only accessible deep inside the mind.