17いいね 375回再生

(ENG) 시어버터 바디크림, 200% 효과보는 방법✨ 건조한 바디피부 가진 사람들 꼭!! 보세요 💖

Natural love: www.naemall.co.kr

Audrey's recommendation. Go to see body butter cosmetics

1. Shea Butter Rich Body Cream

2. Audrey Cosmetics, Galactomyces Boosting Ampoule (Hia Water Mines Ampoule)

3. Cosmetic Formation Theory and Practice Lecture (25/2/8, Saturday)

For those who can't buy online
Please call me during work hours
0519353507 / 0105127 3507 (call available during business hours)

Apply for free samples of Audrey Basic Cosmetics

Contact: 8251 935 3507 / 82105127 3507 (available during business hours)
Please consult the ingredients for the formulation and skin during work hours
Business hours: 9-18 / Lunch time 12:30-13:30

If you want to communicate with Audrey, who studies healthy and pretty skin
Follow me on Instagram

Natural Love Instagram: love_of_nature_korea official
Audrey Instagram: audrey_kyoung_hee_oh@instagram.com
Contact Us for Partnership: dream3004200@naver.com
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#Dry cream #hydration #skin moisturizing #moisturizing #moisturizing skin #skin honey tip #skin beauty
#Skin hydration rechargeable #wintermoisture #winterskin care method